Tuesday 4 October 2011

Treatment for film opening!

The sequence begins with an establishing shot of the female character walking out of the college, we chose to use an establishing shot because it sets the scene, place and introduces the characters.

As she is walking past college and walking home, she doesn't realise she is being followed, so she can't see the male character but the viewer sees this by using a 2 shot of both the characters in the same frame. The male character is only a silhouette so the viewer doesn't see who he actually is, which builds up the tension.

Whilst she carries on her journey home, she crosses a path past the train tracks, and while she is walking away she hears the gates she closed, close again behind her, this builds up tension as neither the viewer or the female character can see who it is,  but the sound effects suggest somebody else behind her shuts the gate.

As she gets suspicious she decides to hide behind a tree to see who is following her.
As the male character walks towards her, we use a low angle shot from her to make her look more vulnerable and to make the male figure look more powerful and scary, We also put a point of view shot from the female character so the viewer sees what she is seeing. The female character thinks he is walking towards her he turns around and carries on walking past the girl not seeming to know she is there, Once she can no longer see him she carries on walking home.

As she is near her house, her phone rings at this moment we have a close up on the mobile from her point of view which shows that the number ringing is unknown and she picks up to find out its a male voice saying "you cant hide from me".

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