Tuesday 18 October 2011

After filming the sequence - Reviewing my work

After we finished filming and editing our clips I looked back on our work and I wasn't as pleased as I could've been with it. We encountered several problems while filming our piece, people who featured in the film were ill which made it difficult to film, we didn't take enough shots and when it came down to editing this was evident as we were limited on which clips we could choose and some of them weren't to the best quality.
If I could do the project again I would take more time on filming and filming extra shots, rather than spending too much time on planning as I think my group did really well on the planning but spent more time on it than we needed to. I think that as a group we worked well together and the ideas were from all of us, the suggestions for filming and mainly the work on the blog was equally spread between the three of us. I would work in this group again as although we didn't acheieve what we wanted in the filming we came up with some great ideas and managed to work well together.

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