Tuesday 11 October 2011

Film Opening Sequence Analysis


The opening sequence I will be analysing is from the film 'The Dark Knight'

The first few shots are not typical to a thriller opening scene, they are long shots and birdseye looking down at New York city.
Straight away some common features of thriller openings are introduced to the viewer, a man in a mask starts the scene by shooting through a skyscraper window, when the viewer see's there are weapons and possible violence involved it starts to become apparent this is a thriller film.

 In the next couple of frames we see the main colours used in this scene are black and white, and with the clown masks so bright and outrageous, this contrasts and the viewer can see there is something sinister behind the masks. A black car is also introduced to the frame, showing another typical element of thriller's.
When the masked men run into the building the music is built up to cause tension and give the scene more suspence. Without the music and sound effects this scene wouldn't be as striking and the viewer wouldn't typically hear the gunshots and footsteps so profoundly.
In the next frame we see one of the masked men using a complicated device to unlock the safe, this is common in some thriller films as you often see gadgets being used to complete missons for example, James Bond.

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