Tuesday 4 October 2011

Thriller opening scene analysis (Pans labyrinth)

I  will be doing a frame by frame analysis on the start of this sequence.
The first part introduces the character as the camera moves closer to the girls face. This shot straight away shows you that the film is either Thiller or horror because the music, lighting and the young female character all suggest that the film is going to be thriller, although in the first scene is actually the end of the film so the story works backwords, the fact that you see the female character in pain makes you wonder what happend to her in the first place, so it engages the viewer. The music in the background sets the thriller theme to it, and over it you can hear the girl breathing very heavily, this score carries on through the next shot, where you see the young female character running. The next scene where the cars come in sets what time the film was set in. When you see the mother and daughter in the car, the director here uses a 2 shot and shot reverse shot from the mother and daughter to contrast and make it much more interesting, so you see what the mother is seeing and what the daughter is seeing, instead of just showing them both in the shots throughout.

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